

life is not a marathon. it is more like a run that you've spontaneously decided to take, and it is difficult. more difficult, i should say, than a marathon, i think

buz parçası

my key takeaway and response to a story


an unhelpful guide for those who struggle to change


words of love part 3: surreal

saltare lunae

a description of an eternal dance between the earth and the moon. eternal enough anyway


words of love part 2: silent suffering


i share my joy of being able to read books

Log#002: Master

complaints about an unbreakable pattern. it is probably indeed breakable, but i couldn't succeed, not yet


people's beautiful creations amaze me. i want to gaze at them forever. but there is a part in me that wants to become an artisan too


it turns out things can be difficult to manage. still i survive, and it is a destructive result


he thought home would be easier to find


it is getting out of hand

art nouveau

a new way of life, probably. i see that things are changing. what to do now? how to handle change?

Taking the S-Bahn Home

home is a word that can tentatively morph into anything. it is sort of unsettling to think about. also, i am in germany

truths out of reach

this is more of a log. it is about not being able to write recently and the seemingly never-ending problem of slumbering


a promise i make to myself uploaded here for the sake of commitment and accountability



absent gard'ner

hope grows on its own all the time. it is more uncontrollable when the gardener is absent, for it leaves room for the weed to grow


a bad poem about an mysterious call for pleasure


a detailed english explanation of "iyi ki doğdun" from my tongue. written for a special occasion


"there is charm in the mystery, i must uncover what lies beneath"


having social interactions and feeling weirdly good about them


our words, however noisy, may not make any sound, for they are mostly empty and distant. much like how our houses may not have any homes. yet, we stay

slumbering ogre

"no one knows that underneath this high-achieving machine slumbers a lazy ogre"

HTA: Red Notebook

the turkish translation of a text written, erroneously, in english for a friend

Yolcu Sahifeler

a letter of hopeless romantic hopefulness and an imitation of a style that i've encountered frequently


reflection on "i have a fascination with broken things"


might the answer be a hug in the woods? it sounds like a valid solution as we can not claim solitude


a portrait of the stinky world around


a day, somewhat ordinary

Lament For She, in red

"what to do as a statue when the moment of alignment is gone for good"

inanimatus homunculus

a description of an inanimate homunculus, and its story. you will have to be forgiving for it to count as both

Eşik. Katatoni.

there was a time when i was closer to catatonia's border

İnanç Nesnesi

as i grow older, i grow further from what i used to believe, as i have not been taught how to

Ekim İki

then it was no more