Life is a caterpillar on a roundabout
Familiar faces all around me, radiating an unfamiliar feeling of anxiety. Enforcing me to become active.
Actively interacting with an undisclosed entity. I know not what I expect from myself. I know not why these faces follow me. Or even, whether.
There is salvation where there is novelty. No need of satisfying, no expectation, no history draws the anxiety closer.
Bir şeyler yapmalı. Son zamanlarda hep aklımda bu ses yankılanıyor. Hep bir tatminiyetsizlik, bir beğenmezlik hissediyorum kendime karşı, ve çaresiz bir pasiflikle yanıtlıyorum kendimi. “Benden istediklerini yapamıyorum fakat üzerimdeki gücünü anlıyorum” bakışları… Vakit belirginlik kazanma vaktidir. Zamanın gözlerinin içine bakıp geleceği boyamam gerekiyor. Yakın gelecek yeterli. Bunun için bugünü gözden çıkarmaya da gerek yok.
Lies inside me, staining my truthful intentions and distracting my mind from the reality. I must be a good liar, or I must be bad at asserting my will.
Is my will really a problem? I have had this so-called problem for 3 years now, and my life wasn’t so bad. Do I create miniature problems and tuck them under the cloak of my will?
The sun will rise in the morning, but I will stay laid. My body will react to the shame of disrespecting others’ expectations. My mind will only rise hours later. Only to blame itself again.
I should look after my body better. My mind is alright. It will gain its strength as my body heals. My mind is happy. It is fluttered by the attention it is getting from the environment.
Attention is something I am craving for. I react to it very positively, which is frightening.
I am frightened of misinterpreting the intention behind attention.
Beden meselesi arada kaynamamalı. Bedenimi güçlendirmeliyim. Ona ihtiyacı olan kaynakları ve zorlukları sunmalıyım. Oysa şu an hep onun “dayanmasını” sağlıyorum. Sağlıklı bir beden sağlıklı bir zihni destekleyecektir. Bedenimi geliştireceğim demiyorum. Ona karşı sorumluluklarımı yerine getireceğım o kadar.
“Responsibility”… The word hits me very differently from most other words.
I feel sort of tired. But the word responsibility allows my brain to override all the precautions that stop me from exhausting myself and depleting my energy. It is like a hard-coded pulse. Ever-expanding…