!!! I may not be able to force you, but you are highly encouraged to click the play button before you start reading

To exist cannot be defined objectively. Still, one can understand what is meant by existence solely because everyone is experiencing it, you too. I know, you have the power to exist.

Though your existence is not limited by time, your experience of existence is, and this is as special as it is unremarkable. You have always existed, and always will, as has and will anything else. Additionally, you live now, which often gets confused with existing. But nothing emerges into existence as if it gets created. No, existence is not a toy that time plays with.

I told you once but I will say it again

When you live the flesh, it is the beginning of the end

Life is a toy that time plays with. And within time’s frame of reference, if something has a beginning, then its end is also determined from the initialisation. The material experience of your existence is what is meant by the word “life”. It is the mortal shell made of flesh that surrounds you, which started your journey and set up an end. The very notion that you’re alive indicates that your death has started. You are dying now, goodbye.

It will take you in, it will spit you out

Behold the flesh and the power it holds

From the start of your life, your being is held captive inside the flesh, carrying you like a vessel in this tragedy play called life, acquiring new experiences, interacting with matter and time. Only to deceive you as time passes by, that your existence is dependent on the flesh, that your vessel is in fact your master, that the end is cruel entity taking away your possessions. The dying continues. The most difficult part is that you never know which one is your last sleep, your last step, your last fight, your last kiss, your last breath. The void that is death creeps into your mind, threatening you with your life at every decision you make, when in reality your life never belonged to you. The cage you are in is decorated so vividly that you become just another faithful actor in the play until red curtains of razor-sharp steel fall, cutting the cords that bind your existence with time and its other toys. You are released from the cage. However, all you know is that you lost everything you had.

That is the power flesh holds. It disrupts pure existence with the help of a brief moment, holds it captive and deceives it, then spits it out because time can no longer retain the being within its grasp. During that brief moment, you are absolutely baffled no matter how strong you are. But in the grand scheme of existence, nothing changes. Flesh is powerful for as long as that brief moment between a beginning and its end, which, even though you are made to believe is long enough to matter, is nothing. You are a concept. Existence is distinct from time.

Passion is a poison laced with pleasure bitter-sweet

One of many faces that hides deep beneath

Life might be a deception, but if you’re alive, you’re alive. This experience has importance to you during this brief moment. There is no point in intercepting the play prematurely, or putting out a bad show —whatever that means. The play requires you to put on masks in different scenes. These masks define your behaviour, your perception and your motives. Passion, among these secret masks, is a notable one. It is the attraction that gives you an irrational reason to act. It is all because of passion that you even care. Passion is the primary tool time utilises in order to trap you in flesh with your consent. Its poison is illusion that covers every side of your consciousness. Only with pleasure can it achieve to delude you. Pleasure —coupled with pain— is the substance that binds you with life. It is the reason you remember the soothing sound of your love fondly, and connect with it. And just like any other effective poison, you are addicted to it. You crave for pleasure at every point of your life, and the fear of losing it forever in the end —death.

It will take you in and it will spit you out

Behold the flesh and the power it holds

Touch, taste, breathe, consumed

You start the journey in the soft hands of two —if you are lucky— protectors. You grow attached to them as they satisfy your needs until you start to function on your own, until you get over the sudden change in the state of your existence and are ready to play along. You experience novel feelings, passionate interactions, actions that fill you with contentment. You start enjoying the journey thanks to all the delicious fruits it can produce. But, as time passes, you realise that your time is limited. Everything you do gains importance as the fear of losing creeps into your mind and expands gradually; every step you take, every word you speak. every packet of air you breathe… You know then the curtains start to fall, and your fear, the end, has come to greet you. One last time, your flesh consumes your existence before setting it free from the orb of time. You feel as though you are vanishing, when in reality you have become so unfamiliar with your existence that you do not recognise freedom. Such is the power flesh holds.

Deja-vu, already knew from the first encounter

But now I know to let go of words to speak no more

Like a wind upon your face you can’t see it but you know it’s there

When beauty shows its ugly face just be prepared

Your capturer has shown its face to you once, when you were caged inside the flesh, and it repeats the action at the end. The first time was confusing. There towered a stranger in front of you and a stage, a new concept surrounded your existence: time. You knew that with the beginning came the end, but knew nothing of the experience.

Now that the soft hands turn into a pedistal made of blades, you figure out the deception you’ve experienced for one brief moment and realise that you are meant to let go, as you are being freed from your pain and pleasure, passion and fear.

Passion burns like fire carried by the wind

The end of a time, a time to begin

Passion is the driving force that supplies the will of life. You act on things for reasons, which are, one way or the other, connected to your passions. But it, the same way as it enables you to experience “good”, makes it possible that you feel unbearable pain. Pain so strange to you that it feels as though it does not belong to you, as if it is forced upon you by an invisible entity. The source of the pain is unknown but the effect is almost always universal: more pain. Passion fuels itself with pain. They are not distinct. Though they occupy the opposite ends of a spectrum, they generate each other in a delicate manner as if ordered by life itself.

Throughout your experience of life, you are surrounded by and filled with passion, which is then closely linked to the long process of your dying. Whenever you think about your passion, you think also about the bigger picture; and vice versa. But never have you thought of the biggest picture in which time does not have an accordance with anything. Your ignorace of your reality is the reason you are connected to the illusion. Time has transformed your reality —finitely— by assigning you a sense of perception. It is novel to you, but confined in the frame that crafted it for a more convincing deception. Until you are free once again, until time is no more, you shall contain the perception —or, more accurately, the perception shall contain you— and drive yourself in the unending passion generation cycle to fight to stay alive, until the end. Only then we can speak of true self and true existence, unbound and independent. Your redemption begins at the end of one and only experience of mortality, driven by passion.

It will take you in, it will spit you out

Behold the flesh and the power it holds

It builds you up one way, and tears you right back down

A time to begin, the end of a time

With the sudden change in the state of your existence (the start of your captivity), you lose all track of reality, for you had none for an eternity. You needed no perception, no mind of your own since you had no interaction with time. Now, you do. Now, you live. In the limited time you have within the flesh, you strive to learn. You feel a hint of success as you get closer and closer to the truth of your existence. Though it is impossible to understand the transcendental state of existence you used to hold, you may obtain instantaneous glimpses of a portion of reality. Your life experience starts to make sense as you carve your own statue in time. Yet, no matter how sensible the whole play becomes, a play has an end. The end of your play solidifies itself into a tool of destruction and acts accordingly on your fragile statue of truth. After all that you’ve done, after all that you’ve endured, after all that you’ve put into it; your life crumbles into pieces before your very eyes at the moment of last goodbye. One cannot stand the destruction of the meaning they’ve built throughout life even though it means eternal salvation. The mixed feeling of gratitude, rage and disappointment is the last and strongest taste you will ever have experienced. There is no memory of it left afterwards, as there is no afterwards. You return to your initial state of being as though nothing happened. It is disrespectful. Life enslaves you, slowly relieves you with pleasure and pain, convinces you that all that’ve happened is all there is to existence, encourages you to play along, swallowing you deeper and deeper into the grand deception, threatens you with your possessions until the end. And then, when the great prophecy of the end comes, life just tears apart the products of your lifelong misery, pain and struggles, stripping it of any meaning, any value, any truth. Your flesh laughs at your ecstatically as it disintegrates.

It will take you in, it will spit you out

Behold the flesh and the power it holds

Touch, taste, breathe, consumed

Deja-vu, already knew from the first encounter

But now I know to let go of words to speak no more

Like a wind upon your face you can’t see it but you know it’s there

When beauty shows its ugly face just be prepared

You are the power flesh holds, for a brief moment. No matter how long you experience the moment, don’t let the end surprise you, for the end is nothing but your return to pure existence, independent of time, meaning and feeling.